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2023 Spring Appeal Fundraiser

Partner With Us

Belonging is a universal human need
It is so much more than access and inclusion
Belonging is a cornerstone for a meaningful life

A letter from Nancy Litteken, Executive Director:

Belonging is particularly elusive for individuals with Down syndrome. They face challenges of belonging throughout their lives; in their schools, faith communities, and places of employment. Club 21 has tirelessly fought for inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome since we opened our doors in 2009. With your generous support, we continue to offer:

  • HOPE so parents are able to understand their initial diagnosis and dream big
  • TOOLS so parents can learn how to equip their children for a better life
  • RESOURCES so educators can learn how to open their classrooms to all
  • COMMUNITY so that families have opportunities to partner together for a deeper, lifelong connection
  • IMPORTANT LIFE SKILLS so children and young adults can confidently dream of a future of interdependence, belonging and being a contributing citizen in their community

But there is so much more that needs to be done!

  • There are 66,000 college age (18-26) individuals in California with intellectual disabilities (ID)
  • Only 3% of adults with ID make a living wage
  • Over 90% of adults with ID live in poverty
  • 87% of regional center clients end up living at home

Instead of inviting you to a Spring Fundraiser this year, I’m writing to you today to boldly ask you to partner with Club 21 to change these statistics. With your generous donation, Club 21 will expand its transition age programming to assist families with children 14 years and older achieve a fulfilling life after high school into adulthood.

True belonging is our end game - a true sense of belonging by becoming lifelong learners, finding community, obtaining meaningful employment, achieving a level of independence, and living a life of their choosing. So please, send your most generous gift to help everyone belong.

With gratitude,                                                                                                                                                 

Nancy Litteken, Executive Director                                                                                                                                           

P.S. Get ready to party next year to celebrate our 15th anniversary!