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Educational Partnerships


Educational Partnership

2023-2024 Educational Partnership Program

How do we help our schools become places of inclusion and belonging for students with Down syndrome?

Which postures, practices, and partnerships can make a real difference?

We are so excited to continue our partnership with Erik Carter for our 2023-24 Educational Partnership Program. He will share a practical and powerful framework for reflecting upon and fostering belonging within all aspects of the everyday life of our schools. Join us this year and gain fresh insights and practical strategies into the roles you can play in spurring change for your students and schools—so that every student receives a rigorous education and develops valued relationships. Whether you were registered last year or not, all participants will engage meaningfully with Dr. Carter's material and its application in your home, school, and community. 

"Although the experience of belonging is equally important for students with significant cognitive disabilities as it is for their peers, it has remained far more elusive...  In the absence of shared activities, strong social connections are unlikely to form. Integration falls short of fostering true belonging for students with significant cognitive disabilities within their school communities. Belonging is easy to affirm but much harder to define. What does it really look like for students with disabilities to experience belonging within inclusive schools? What are the experiences and relationships that will assure them that they have a cherished place within their learning community? How would you know whether your students have found a place of belonging in your school? Schools that are committed to the concept of belonging must have a strong understanding of the practices and postures that contribute to this goal." Erik W. Carter & Elizabeth E. Biggs TIES Belonging Resources, TIES Center

This will be our focus for our Educational Partnership Program as we explore opportunities to increase belonging for students with Down syndrome.

What is Club 21’s Educational Partnership program? The program is comprised of two components:

1) Parent Pathways (Parents):  Parents receive the education and tools needed to support their child's educational program at 6 VIRTUAL evening workshops throughout the school year.  

2) Equipping Educators Program (Educators):  Equips educators to best serve students with Down syndrome in their classrooms with up-to-date research, tools, resources and strategies in 4 all-day workshops (including Tools for the Journey Conference).  Many of the topics are applicable to all students, with or without special needs.  Cohorts - Each participant will be placed with a cohort of their peers. * Club 21 will cover the sub fee for one educator per session.

Cost:  The cost of the program is $400.00 which includes 6 VIRTUAL parent trainings and 4 trainings for one educator.  Any additional educator registered is $50 per training session.  This is a vendored program - CODE: PD2655

Do you want to add an additional teacher?  Click HERE

2023-2024 Dates

Educator Trainings (9:00AM-3:00PM) VIRTUAL Parent Trainings (7:00-8:30PM)
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 Thursday, September 7, 2023
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 Thursday, October 26, 2023
TOOLS FOR THE JOURNEY CONFERENCE: Friday, January 26-January 27, 2024 Thursday, November 16, 2023
Tuesday, March 5, 2024 Thursday, February 8, 2024

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Educational Partnership program is available through the generosity of two family foundations.