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Stepping Up


Stepping Up

Stepping Up

Stepping Up is a uniquely developed program that includes a Parent Education and Child Learning opportunity and is specifically designed to support families of young children with Down syndrome as they transition from Early Intervention Services through the early elementary grades. Kristin Enriquez M.A., and a parent of a child with Down syndrome, developed the program and presents the parent sessions (Early Intervention, Preschool, Kindergarten, and Early Elementary). Through Kristin’s vast experience, parents will become prepared for their child’s IEPs, learn strategies to use at home, and share those same strategies with their child’s teaching team for better transitions.

Cost for the program: 

Parent + Child - $600 ($540 if paid in full) which includes:

  • 1.5 hr  Pre Recorded Parent lecture with Kristin Enriquez
  • 1 hr  Parent workshop (in-person on Second Saturdays)
  • Child participation (in the student classroom on Second Saturdays - with classroom teachers and therapists)

Pre-Recorded Parent Lecture by Kristin Enriquez - $400 which includes:

  • 1.5 hr Parent lecture with Kristin ONLY 

*Children must be 2 years of age to participate in the children's classroom.  Childcare for those under 2 years old is available during this time in the First Steps nursery. 

Second Saturday Parent Workshop & Child Classroom Schedule -

Program: Early Intervention Pre-K Kindergarten Early Elementary
Time: 9:00-10:00am 10:15-11:15am 11:30am-12:30pm 1:30-2:30pm

Program Goals:

  • Feel more confident collaborating with your child's IEP team
  • Develop a clear understanding of how your child learns
  • Learn new strategies for home
  • Opportunity to learn information to bring to your child's educational support team

Early Interventions: Topics include (but not limited to):  

  • Understanding the Transition Process
  • How to Create and Share Your Vision
  • Increasing Access and Opportunity for Students with Down syndrome
  • Selected topics related to the learning profile of people with Down syndrome and the school’s role in supporting those needs.

Preschool: Topics include (but not limited to):  

  • Leveraging Peer-supports
  • Accessing pre-school learning foundations
  • Visuals in the classroom
  • Selected topics related to the learning profile of people with Down syndrome and the school’s role.

Kindergarten: Topics include (but not limited to):  

  • Dispelling myths in education
  • Maintaining age appropriate expectations
  • Understanding common core and State Standards
  • Selected topics related to the learning profile of people with Down syndrome and the school’s role.

Early Elementary: Topics include (but not limited to):  

  • Universal Design For Learning
  • Adapting Curriculum to fit individual needs
  • Placement and Service Considerations
  • Selected topics related to the learning profile of people with Down syndrome and the school’s role